Candler successfully upgraded to V3

The office of Candler Schiffahrt in Bremen

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MXSuite Version 3 was announced as ready to be installed in our customer base and Candler wanted to have the benefits of the new version. In order to do so the Mastex team traveled to Bremen to upgrade!

Candler and Mastex

First a little bit on the relationship between Candler Schiffahrt GmbH and Mastex Software B.V. as it has been a long one. Our relationship is based on trust, friendship, and a desire to help each other and we hope that it will continue for years to come. The focus of Candler’s fleet is on carrying bulk, break bulk, and general cargo. Mastex software supports them with MXSuite, our fleet management solution. MXSuite can help in operating your fleet as it helps to cover maintenance, spare parts, purchase, certificates, safety documents, and crewing.

MXSuite version 2 and 3

The managing director, Johan Wadephul, saw the benefits of upgrading to the newest version and wanted to benefit from the latest technologies. To do so Mastex went to Candler’s office in Bremen in January this year. During the visit there both teams worked together to upgrade the systems.  What is interesting is that within the upgrade, versions 2 and 3 are run next to each other on the same infrastructure. Our latest web-based browser version will help them efficiently operate their modern fleet of geared tween and single-deckers for the next years.

The office of Candler Schiffahrt in Bremen


The upgrade to the system was all completed in a few days after which the staff was introduced to the new functions. The upgrade also included a configuration and database check in order to ensure that everything was working as it should. The upgrade took place in both the office in Bremen as well as on all Candler’s vessels. This provides the office insight into the activities of the entire fleet.

During such a project, we are always happy to hear wishes and suggestions for improvement. For us, feedback is part of a true partnership so that we can meet the desires of our customers. We like to share knowledge with our customers based on our expertise and experience, while at the same time welcoming feedback for improvements to enrich our solution. We are then happy to have such a good relationship with Candler as is echoed by Patrick Marwede from Candler:  “The cooperation in the project with Mastex Software was very good.” Candler is now experiencing the benefits of the newest technology and the release of MXSuite.

Want to know more about Candler Schiffahrt?

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